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IG Culture

Hi Folks! After a busy week where the posting is admittedly somewhat lacking, it is once again Happy Friday.
This is however, not the Happy Friday post.
This morning I felt the need for something abstract, upbeat, contemporary and jazzy. Most would say that it’s not an easy task. I beg to differ. The difficulty in such a task is having the artistic creativity to compose and construct such an unforgiving musical concoction.

Step up step up IG Culture. I’ve been a fan for some years now and am more than happy to pronounce my admiration for him – a true master of his trade.
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Trust me when I say that the creation of fusion music is no mean feat. Aside from having to satisfy a variety of audiences who are by nature, sceptical of manipulating their beloved art form, but to stay within the limits of normality so that you do not ostracise all audiences is a whole other kettle of fish.
IG Culture has been doing his thing for a long time now, be it solo, as part of a group, as guest producer for other artists or any other way he sees fit.
He tends to surround himself with the right people which in turn allows his music to remain grounded and maintain its original integrity.
I’d like to hear him live and I plan to as soon as he’s around next.
It doesn’t matter which of his albums you buy first, they’re all good. Take a listen to his broken beat style and judge for yourself. Then perhaps go find some stuff by the New Sector Movement for a slight flip on styles.
If this is too much for you, but you’re intrigued by the genre, perhaps take a look at Mark De Clive-Lowe who makes great music, albeit slightly more user friendly for broken beat first timers.


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